Last Project

At first, I was thinking that I want to talk about Taylor Davis. Taylor Davis is a Violinist, and she’s a Youtuber. I search about her. Where does she lives, her parents name, her age, and all about her life. I tell my mom that I have to find a person thaLPJ1200S PSDt inspired me. I tell her that I never have an inspiring people. And my mom told me that ‘Inspiring people not always a famous people. Inspiring people is a person that made you feel like want to be like her or a person that made you want to do something more.’ And I think again.

Until now, I still don’t know who I will choose to be my inspiring people. It could be either Taylor Davis, or someone else that made me want to be like her/him. But i think i will choose Taylor Davis.

My project is still at the beginning. And I think I will make a Power Point for the last project. At first I want to make something. But then, I remember that I still have to make something in my other project.

One Reply to “Last Project”

  1. Andy Sutioso says: Balas

    Thank you Hana. Your presentation was very good as well. You put a good effort to speak and write about Taylor Davis on this project. Well done!

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